Record Request

In accordance with Virginia Code § 54.1-2403.3, § 32.1-127.1:03, § 8.01-413, patients have the right to obtain a copy of their medical records. Craig County Rescue - EMS maintains records electronically, but individuals can request either electronic or hard copies of their records. 

If you need ONLY BILLING information, please contact our billing department (MCA) at or by calling 1-800-676-4785

Craig County Rescue - EMS charges a fee for reproducing such records. Fees can be paid via check made out to Craig County Rescue - EMS and mailed to PO Box 81 New Castle, VA 24127. Craig County also accepts card payments via PayPal. In no case will the fees exceed $160.

In the case of a patient making a request for their personal records, Craig County Rescue - EMS will charge a reasonable fee for the supplies required to fill such request. 

In the case of an attorney, insurance, or others authorized by the patient to obtain medical records, the fees are as follows:

A signed authorization form is required to release records. Craig County Rescue - EMS accepts forms from attorneys, but if a form is needed, a sample can be found here.

Electronic requests will be filled by mailing a compact disc containing the requested information or via encrypted email.

To make a request, please email with the subject "Medical Record Request" and attach a copy of the signed authorization letter, as well as the following information: